The {ialiquor} package provides a dataset summarizing the the monthly Class E liquor sales (along with other attributes) in the State of Iowa.
The liquor_sales
dataset contains the following fields:
- The year in which the sale information was recordedyear_mon
- The year and month of the sale in YYYY-MM-DD format (already in date-time format)county
- Name of county where sale occurredpopulation
- The population of the county for that year (based on US Census Bureau data and retrieved via the Iowa Data Portal API)type
- A high level grouping variable to classify common categoriescategory
- A grouping variable defined by the State to classify brands of liquorstate_cost
- Amount paid for the liquor by the State of Iowa in US$ (not adjusted for inflation)state_revenue
- Amount paid to the State of Iowa by the retailers (all retailers in county) in US$ (not adjusted for inflation)bottles_sold
- Number of bottles sold (regardless of size of bottle or volume)volume
- Volume of liquor sold (in liters)Data Source: Iowa Data Portal API
#> Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame': 280736 obs. of 10 variables:
#> $ year : num 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 ...
#> $ year_month : POSIXct, format: "2015-01-01" "2015-01-01" ...
#> $ county : chr "adair" "adair" "adair" "adair" ...
#> $ population : num 7145 7145 7145 7145 7145 ...
#> $ type : chr "vodka" "other" "liqueur" "cocktail" ...
#> $ category : chr "100 proof vodka" "american alcohol" "american amaretto" "american cocktails" ...
#> $ state_cost : num 254 54 89 182 346 ...
#> $ state_revenue: num 381 81 134 277 519 ...
#> $ bottles_sold : num 54 6 18 26 36 24 47 5 18 36 ...
#> $ volume : num 58.5 4.5 19.5 45.5 27 ...
#> year year_month county population type category
#> 1 2015 2015-01-01 adair 7145 vodka 100 proof vodka
#> 2 2015 2015-01-01 adair 7145 other american alcohol
#> 3 2015 2015-01-01 adair 7145 liqueur american amaretto
#> 4 2015 2015-01-01 adair 7145 cocktail american cocktails
#> 5 2015 2015-01-01 adair 7145 liqueur american cordials & liqueur
#> 6 2015 2015-01-01 adair 7145 gin american dry gins
#> state_cost state_revenue bottles_sold volume
#> 1 253.62 380.70 54 58.5
#> 2 54.00 81.00 6 4.5
#> 3 88.98 133.50 18 19.5
#> 4 182.40 277.10 26 45.5
#> 5 346.29 519.45 36 27.0
#> 6 99.57 149.38 24 15.0
The State of Iowa records daily transactions for Class E liquor sales and makes them available to the public monthly. The original dataset (found through the Iowa Data Portal) consists of more granular information such as liquor sales by vendor/retailer. Furthermore, the population data were also obtained from the Iowa Data Portal API. This information is derived from the US Census Bureau. As of November 2020, no current population data were available for any county in Iowa from the aforementioned API.