Weekly summary of Hass avocado sales for the regions within the United States
a dataframe with 12 variables.
- region
The region of the United States. Defined by the Hass Avocado Board for their reporting. Each region may consist of multiple markets found in different states. See the Hass Avocado Board website for more details.
- week_ending
The date of the last day of the week in YYYY-MM-DD format.
- type
Whether the avocado type is conventional (meaning non-organic) or organic.
- avg_selling_price
The average selling price (which is NOT the advertised selling price) in US$ for Hass avocados. Not adjusted for inflation.
- total_bulk_and_bags_units
The number of avocados sold in bulk (i.e., individually) or in bags. A unit is 1 avocado - not 1 bag.
- plu4046_units
The amount or number of PLU4046 (non-organic) or PLU94046 (organic) Hass avocados sold. Use the type column to determine if the units is for non-organic or organic avocados.
- plu4225_units
The amount or number of PLU4225 (non-organic) or PLU94225 (organic) Hass avocados sold. Use the type column to determine if the units is for non-organic or organic avocados.
- plu4770_units
The amount or number of PLU4770 (non-organic) or PLU94770 (organic) Hass avocados sold. Use the type column to determine if the units is for non-organic or organic avocados.
- total_bagged_units
The amount of avocados sold in bags. One unit refers to one avocado, not 1 bag. From 2021 onwards, this value is not broken down by size of bag.
- sml_bagged_units
The amount of avocados sold in small bags. One unit refers to one avocado. This bag typically consists of Hass #60 sizes & smaller.
- lrg_bagged_units
The amount of avocados sold in large bags. One unit refers to one avocado. This bag typically consists of Hass #40 & Hass #48 sizes.
- xlrg_bagged_units
TThe amount of avocados sold in extra large bags. One unit refers to one avocado. This bag typically consists of Hass #36 sizes or larger.