class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Best of Both Worlds: R & Python ### Nikhil Agarwal ### 2021-10-28 --- # The Dilemma ###
R vs. Python ###
Deployment in one language ###
Some libraries easier to use --- # Enter Reticulate ###
R library; developed by RStudio ###
Leverage Python libraries within R ###
Translates R & Python objects on the fly --- # Benefits ###
Use any library from either language ###
Maintain workflow when using R --- # Typical Workflow ###
Data Analysis ###
Data Modeling ###
Deployment --- # Example <img src="img/reticulate-code.png" width="1000" alt="reticulate example code"> --- # Python Users [R]ejoice! **rpy2** - Python library (similar to reticulate) - enables execution of R code --- # Resources Sample R code with Reticulate - RPy2 - Presentation - ## Say Hello!